Saturday, January 29, 2011

What Happened to Me?

I remember sitting down to Chrono Cross for a 15 hour session and thoroughly enjoying every second of it.  I remember the feeling when you discovered Tidus was just a dream.  I remember the joys of knowing that I'd cleared the FoW and mapped 100% of an area on Star Ocean.  Suddenly, I find myself unable to play a RPG for any great length of time.  Even a couple of hours begins to grate on me.

Shooting games however?  I can dive neck deep in Vanquish.  I can spend hours conquering the Covenant.  I can spend whole days running and rerunning Army of Two and Borderlands.  So, what happened?  Am I a product of the times?  As stimulus has increased and moved faster and faster, I need my entertainment to do the same to compensate?  Or, has my brain somehow malfunctioned and I now require a lesser amount of game to make me satisfied?

Maybe Mass Effect 2 will help.  It's a huge RPG... but you also spend a great deal of time shooting your way through things.


Anonymous said...

Mass Effect 2 makes everything better...

Good blog man! Following and supporting now!

Isaac said...

I totally agree dude, RPG's rarely do it for me. followed

The Human Potential said...

i think its just you changing

Anonymous said...

I love shooting games as well, go halo.

Anonymous said...

I think as you get older you realize you dont have time for RPG because they aren't games you can just turn on for 30 minutes and play. I used to love RPGs but as I gained more and more real life priorities I simply couldn't afford to play them. I stick to the shooters now that I can kill 10 minutes here and there with....